Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Typos Happen

Many, but not all, of you who received our most recent email update may have noticed an embarrassing typo in the Subject: line. How'd that happen?

Well, we're human. Even though our email updates get several rounds of review, some problems can escape into the wild (and in this case, the problem was injected late in the process by yours truly, who probably needs to use a larger type face when editing documents).

The typo got fixed because someone noticed and reported it. (Thanks, Fiona!) And therein is one of the secrets of Amplifying Your Effectiveness: Develop a network of people who care enough about you to point out when you goof, so that you can make corrections, and keep your network healthy by thanking them. So, thank you Fiona for this one. And to Charles for the oops on the website that went unnoticed for months. And to Sherry, for lots of editorial commentary. And to everyone else who has (or will) take the time and trouble to send us a note when we slip up.


Anonymous said...

So do we also point out typos in posts about typos in e-mails? (receivied - line 1)

9:00 PM  

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