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When we started the AYE Conference, we had a purpose in mind.  We wanted to change what people expect from a conference.  We knew the limits of “the sage on the stage” model for learning and engagement. We wanted participants, not attendees.  We wanted experiential learning and activity, not people sitting passively in rows.

We like to think we are at least partly responsible that experiential sessions, self-organization, and unconferences that are now considered normal. With that, our job is done, and the central reason for this list is over.

We’ve got a treasure trove of articles by AYE Hosts and Friends of AYE, and we want those to remain available, so we’re keeping this web-site active.

We hope our paths will cross. Be well, and thanks for being part of our journey.

We also invite you to follow your AYE Hosts individually, and stay in touch as we pursue new adventures. Here’s contact information for each of us, twitter ids, and how to subscribe to our newsletters.

Don Gray

Sign up for Don’s newsletter.
Twitter: @donaldegray

Esther Derby

Sign up for invitations to my FREE Q&A teleconferences and other events or my occasional newsletter.
Twitter: @estherderby
If you’d like to receive future announcements about PSL, write to Esther.

Johanna Rothman

Johanna has two newsletters:
Create an Adaptable Life which chronicles her insights from living with a medical condition and
Pragmatic Manager, a newsletter that offers tips on management and hiring.

Twitter: @johannarothman

Jerry Weinberg
Visit Jerry’s website to explore his new and classic writing.
Twitter: @JerryWeinberg