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Feedback Lab: Giving and Receiving Feedback (without making enemies)


I recently spoke with a colleague who was distressed that her office mate picked his nose throughout the day. "Have you told him his habit distresses you?" I asked. "No, I didn't want to hurt his feelings," she said. "I just avoid him as much as I can."

Even if you've never been in this exact situation, chances are you've been in a similar one--one where a co-worker was doing something that made it hard for you to work with him or her.

In this session we'll explore and practice the art of giving and receiving feedback peer-to-peer.

We'll learn some helpful guidelines about giving feedback and then practice giving and receiving feedback.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Learn a simple format for giving feedback
Recognize feedback traps and learn how to avoid them
Collect some of the most difficult and distressing feedback situations
Take home at least one new tactic for dealing with each difficult situation

Practice giving and receiving feedback

Minimum: 9
Maximum: 21

Prerequisites: none

Constraints: need a flip chart and chairs that we can arrange and re-arrange for triads.


Updated: Monday, May 29, 2006