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Hello all,

I'm updated -- this will actually be my third year at AYE and Again, I am really looking forward to it!

I've been involved in the 'Weinberg' curriculum for only 3 years, so I still feel like a relative newcomer... but it has also been a busy 4 years now -- attending PSL, Change Shop, and SEM2002 (1.5 years and still going...). I've loved Almost every minute of it.....

My day job is at the SEI, in the Process Program. My work-related interests are in process analysis and improvement and associated change issues.

My non-work passion these days is still playing the Bodhran and other percussion pieces and singing with a local Folk Orchestra. I've been saying that "music is my mid-life sports car!" And, you know, music always makes me feel better.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Phoenix!

[email protected]

I look forward to meeting you. I guess at least one person will understand the acronyms in my profile then! RobWyatt
Hi, Diane! Looking forward to seeing you again and also to your session SessionThree023 on Laughter, Levity iand Lightheartedness: Humor for Serious Times. (or someting close to that) with Naomi Karten.

- BeckyWinant 2003.09.11


The Change Monster: The Human Forces That Fuel or Foil Corporate Transformation and Change by Jeanie Daniel Duck. And look! You asked on 9/04, and I replied on 9/17! DonGray 2003.09.17

Previous Conversations

The address of the process improvement Wiki please??

Have you checked out Jeannie Duck's "Change Monster"? My initial reaction was to map the Satir Change Model over the entire Change Monster. My inclinations now are towards the SCM happening in each phase of the Change Monster.

DonGray 2002.08.18

Sorry for my delayed reaction...

I haven't seen the "Change Monster"... do you have a reference?

And, the Wiki isn't dedicated to process improvement, but my piece of it is... and the address of my pictoral exploration of change models is:

It is a work in progress (isn't everything?), but I needed to begin putting it out there. Comments will be most welcome!

Thanks Diane 2002.09.04

Diane, I'm GLAD you'll be there again! What's a Bodhran? NaomiKarten 2002.10.10

Naomi asks 'what is a Bodhran?' It is a Celtic drum, that is played using a motion that is more like strumming than drumming. I am also playing other percussion instruments (eggs, claves, hand drums), but no lessons!

Diane, This is a wonderfully exotic collection! I don't think I graduated past sticks.

Look forward to seeing you again - BeckyWinant 2002-10-11

Hello Diane, I hope you're well. Remember the butterfly sticker you gave me during Jean's session @AYE2001? I still have it on my study desk. It symbolises the caring and wonderful people at AYE. Above all, you touched my heart when I saw the butterfly..as I needed to find a way home.. I want to say thank you again..for being so spontaneously so caring. Hope we will meet again one day.
---CherDevey 2002.10.22

Updated: Wednesday, September 17, 2003