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Hello, everyone, I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a software developer, recently turned independent consultant, with aspirations to be a software development coach. Right now, I'm billing myself as a "player/coach" to illustrate that my fees can be justified on the basis of my own development skills, but that I have much more to offer than the standard software development contractor.

You can visit my website at http://www.idiacomputing.com to learn more about me. I particularly invite you to browse around my bliki. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

I'm really excited to be attending the 2005 AYE Conference. In fact, enabling such things was a major part of the decision to go solo in my career. I tried for years to get an employer to send me to one of Jerry's courses, and never succeeded. I even offered to pay for the course itself! "No, we certainly wouldn't expect you to pay for it yourself. No, we can't afford that course for you." Now, it's my decision. More expensive, yes, but I get to make the value judgement.

Now, my biggest problem is deciding what sessions to attend. I'd definitely need a time-turner to make all the ones I want. And, since this is my first trip to Arizona, I'm interested in suggestions of OtherThingsToDoInArizona.

George, I know exactly what you mean about spending your own money, but being able to choose what's best for your own development. I, and I'm sure the other AYE hosts, are honored by the choice that you and others have made for yourself. And, we're especially honored by those who have had to tussle with oblivious management to allow/encourage them to come to AYE. And for those who convince their managers to come with them, there is no honor high enough. JerryWeinberg 2005.08.28
I'm looking forward to coming back to AYE again in 2006. Meeting DaleEmery will be a special treat, as I've profited much from his postings on the XP mailing list over the past four or five years.

Would anyone be interested in a ConsultantBof?

- George 2006.07.13

Whoo Hoo! I was hoping you'd make it again. :-)

--SuePetersen 2006.07.13

Meeting DaleEmery will be a special treat

It will be a mutual treat. --DaleEmery 2006.07.13

Updated: Thursday, July 13, 2006