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  1. Is it possible to freely leave one session to attend another after they have already started. Is this a good idea? Any recommendations from other attendees and participants? - John Suzuki

A1.1. It's certainly possible, and we neither encourage nor discourage it in general. Your job is to move to the place that best fits for you.

That said, there will be certain sessions that won't really be designed for someone to join in the middle, since they will be mostly experiential. (And, some sessions will be limited in size, in which case drop-ins will be limited, too.) But, if there's room, it will be up to you to find a way to merge with what's going on, without destroying the experience for others. It's a challenge. - JerryWeinberg

  1. What is involved in the electronic note taking? Frank Bonk

Frank, I'm sorry I didn't notice this question here before this (1022/00). You can take notes in just about any form you want, electronic or otherwise. We will put them in a form that can be shared, so we can post them here or elsewhere. We'd really like to have some volunteere notetakers, especially if they are going to be taking notes anyway. - JerryWeinberg

Updated: Tuesday, January 16, 2001