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Building Writing Skill and Confidence: A Writing Workshop

JohannaRothman and NaomiKarten

Do you ever get stuck trying to put words on paper? Would you like writing to be more fun and less drudgery? Could your writing benefit by becoming livelier? Would you like to know some of the tricks and techniques used by experienced writers? Have you thought about writing as a way to build credibility and create name recognition? Whether you're interested in becoming more skilled in writing memos, reports, articles, books -- or email messages -- you'll get lots of tips, coaching and practice in this workshop given by wordmeisters Naomi and Johanna.

This workshop will offer ideas on what constitutes good writing, how to get past writer's block, techniques for critiquing your own writing, traps to avoid, editing do's and don'ts, ways to get the ideas to flow, and more. Whether you have yet to write your first complete sentence, or you are an experienced writer who wants to become better at critiquing your own work, this writing workshop is for you. Writing activities will be included, so bring paper, pen -- and your questions. Come prepared to take your writing to the next level.


Updated: Wednesday, March 22, 2006